Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Vol 2 Tempering Belles Infidèles and Promoting Jolies Laides: Idle Thoughts on the Ideal Rendering of Buddhist Texts and Terminology Abstract   PDF
Florin Deleanu
Vol 15 Text-critical History is not Exegesis: A Response to Anālayo Abstract   PDF
Alexander Wynne
Vol 20 The Asokaparinibbānakathā Abstract   PDF
Peter Masefield and Jacqueline Filliozat
Vol 11 The Bhikkhunī Revival Debate and Identity Problems: An Ethnographic Inquiry Abstract   PDF
Gihani de Silva
Vol 16 The Buddha taught in Pali: A working hypothesis Abstract   PDF
Stefan Karpik
Vol 9 The Buddha’s Fire Miracles Abstract   PDF
Bhikkhu Anālayo
Vol 15 The Buddhas of the Three Times and the Chinese Origins of the Heart Sutra Abstract   PDF
Jayarava Attwood
Vol 17 The Changing Functions of renjian fojiao 人间佛教 in Mainland China Abstract   PDF
Carsten Krause
Vol 3 The Chinese Parallels to the Dhammacakkappavattana-sutta (1) Abstract   PDF
Ven. Analayo
Vol 5 The Chinese Parallels to the Dhammacakkappavattana-sutta (2) Abstract   PDF
Ven Anālayo
Vol 5 "The City", in which the Buddha Shows that His Teachings Evolved Abstract   PDF
Linda S. Blanchard
Vol 5 The Early Development of Buddhist Literature and Language in India Abstract   PDF
Lance Cousins
Vol 11 The Emperor's New Clothes: The Buddhist Military Chaplaincy in Imperial Japan and Contemporary America Abstract   PDF
Brian Victoria
Vol 12 The Foundation History of the Nuns’ Order, Hamburg Buddhist Studies 6. Numata Center for Buddhist Studies, Bochum/Freiburg, 2016 (278 pp.). by Anālayo. Details   PDF
Richard Gombrich
Vol 1 The Genesis of the Bodhisattva Ideal by Analayo Details   PDF
Richard Gombrich
Vol 6 The Hīnayāna Fallacy Abstract   PDF
Bhikkhu Analayo
Vol 5 The Kantian Dhamma: Buddhism and Human Rights Abstract   PDF
Paisarn Likhitpreechakul
Vol 17 The language the Buddha spoke Abstract   PDF
Bryan Levman
Vol 1 The Legend of the Earth Goddess and the Buddha Abstract   PDF
Paisarn Leekhitpreechakul
Vol 19 The Life of Jamgon Kongtrul the Great, by Alexander Gardner. 2019, Snow Lion, Boulder, Colorado. 506pp. Preface ix-xiii. Details   PDF
Robert Mayer
Vol 13 The Luminous Mind in Theravāda and Dharmaguptaka Discourses Abstract   PDF
Bhikkhu Anālayo
Vol 17 The many voices of Buddhaghosa: a commentator and our times Abstract   PDF
Oscar Carrera
Vol 9 The Mass Murderer who owes his Existence to Ignorance of Pali Abstract   PDF
Richard Gombrich
Vol 7 The Mass Suicide of Monks in Discourse and Vinaya Literature Abstract   PDF
Bhikkhu Analayo
Vol 8 The Medicinal Accomplishment (sman sgrub) practice in the Dudjom Meteoric Iron Razor (gnam lcags spu gri) tradition: Reflections on the ritual and meditative practice at a monastery in Southern Bhutan. Abstract   PDF
Cathy Cantwell
176 - 200 of 234 Items << < 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >>